Additional Operations Videos

More video resources related to the development of operations and how teachers can engage young children in operations.

Jayden Counts and Problem Solves

Preschool student Jayden counts a collection of 18 colorful bears, then figures out how many more bears he would need to have a collection of 20 bears. 

Jada Solves a Multiplication Problem

Kindergarten student Jada solves a story problem about 3 groups of 6. 

Jada Solves a Measurement Division Problem

Kindergarten student Jada solves a story problem to find how many groups of 3 are in 15.

Ferni Solves a Measurement Division Problem

Kindergarten student Ferni solves a story problem to find how many groups of 3 are in 15.

Jada Solves a Partitive Division Problem

Kindergarten student Jada solves a story problem about splitting 20 into 4 equal groups.

Magic Math Minutes: Addition

Jennifer illustrates how a young child thinks about addition as she considers how many carrots a rabbit and a squirrel have together.

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