Sonia is shown a repeating pattern involving fictional movie characters and continues it. When asked how she knows, she says, “Because, look” and then uses her hands to cut it into three units of repeat. She then identifies which character is first in each of the three groups she created and says they are the same.
Brian has just made the fourth tower in a growing pattern. He explains that he knew how to make the fourth tower because it is growing by 2s and the cubes are alternating blue and white. Read more about Brian’s work with growing patterns here.
Meredith is shown a new AAB pattern and is asked to duplicate the pattern, using different colors. She does so, looking back and forth periodicially from the pattern she is copying to the one she is creating to check her work. In the end, she lines them up side by side to show they are equivalent patterns.
Ben successfully duplicates an existing AB pattern of cards using different cards.
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