Why and What of counting Start →
Why learning to count is crucial for children’s early mathematics learning.
Mathematics of Counting Start →
Several different approaches to explicating the important mathematics that underlies the deceptively simple activity of counting.
The Development of Children's Counting Start →
Videos of children, activities for prospective and practicing teachers, and readings that portray the development of an understanding of counting words and counting things (cardinal number, or how many).
Assessing Counting Start →
Materials explaining and illustrating the importance of the formative assessment of children’s counting.
Supporting Classroom Practice Start →
Resources that teacher educators can use to support teachers to develop classroom practice that engages young children in counting.
Vignettes Start →
Fictionalized but very real examples of participants' experiences in learning to teach, and teaching, early math.
Getting Started Start →
Teacher educators are invited to use these materials flexibly, with varied settings, amounts of time, and participants. We present a variety of possible ways of getting started with these resources.