Bakersfield College CHDVB26 : Science, Arts & Mathematics is a 3-credit course that introduces the science, arts, and math domains of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Frameworks. The course provides practical strategies for implementing age-appropriate curriculum and working with families. Applicable for preschool teachers, transitional kindergarten and early-primary grade teachers, and child development permit holders.
The modules are designed to meet the math portion of the following Student Learning Outcomes:
- Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to develop opportunities to include science, arts, and math in daily routines and across all areas of a classroom based on children’s interests and abilities.
- Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to evaluate environments and experiences that support children’s learning in the areas of science, the arts and math utilizing the Foundations and Frameworks.
- Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to illustrate how teachers can collaborate with parents and other caregivers to support children’s development in the areas of the sciences, arts and math.
A week-by-week overview is provided below. Each week draws upon a variety of DREME TE resources. Visit the Canvas Shell for detailed assignments, discussion prompts, and links to other resources.
Student Learning Outcome: Introduction to California Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Frameworks: Math
- Assignment #1 – CECO Module: Mathematics Domain
- Assignment #2 – CA. Preschool Learning Foundation and Curriculum Framework Reflection
- Discussion #1 – Making Math Fun!
- Discussion #2 – The Importance of Early Math and the Fear of Teaching It
Resources Used This Week
Student Learning Outcome: Analysis of Math domain strands of number sense, mathematical reasoning, algebra, and geometry
- Assignment #3 – Developing Number Sense: What Children Need to Learn about Counting
- Assignment #4 – Mathematical Reasoning: It Takes Practice!
- Discussion #3 – Learning Math Through Books
- Assignment #5 – Algebra: Learning through Patterns
- Assignment #6 – Geometry: The Mathematics of Shape and Space
- Discussion #4- Learning Math in Informal Spaces
Resources Used This Week
- What Children Know and Need to Learn about Counting
- Practicing the Mathematical Practices
- How to use Picture Books
- Pattern Paths to Algebra
- Pattern, Pattern, Everywhere
- Geometric Terms and their Definitions
- The Mathematics of Geometry and Spatial Relations
- Classroom Videos: Operations – Math in Informal Spaces
Student Learning Outcome: Planning for development of math based on observation of children’s interest, skills and abilities
- Assignment #7: Observing Math Skills and Abilities through Conversations
- Discussion #5- Observing Math Skills and Abilities though Conversations
- Assignment #8- Children’s Math Skills and Interests observed through play
- Discussion # 6- Children’s Math Skills and Abilities observed through play
Resources Used This Week
Student Learning Outcome: Planning for development of math based on observation of children’s interest, skills and abilities continued
- Assignment #9- Planning for Math using children’s interest!
- Discussion #7- Planning for Math using children’s interest and abilities
- Assignment #10- Planning for Math using observation of children’s abilities
- Discussion #8- Planning for Math using children’s abilities
Resources Used This Week
Student Learning Outcome: Partnering with parents and caregivers to include meaningful experiences and support designed to promote math
- Discussion # 9- Partnering with Parents
Resources Used This Week
Visit the Canvas Shell for detailed assignments, discussion prompts, and links to other resources.
Bernadette Towns is a Professor of Child Development at Bakersfield College.
Rebecca Roth is an Early Care, Education, and Family Studies Professor at Taft College.
Resource type Handout