Meredith: Number Story
Lulu: 8 plus 3 is 11
Tasha: 3 + 1 equals 2
Chandra: 5 – 3 = 2
Chandra is asked to solve the written problem 5 – 3. She uses her fingers and writes 2. When asked how she found the answer, she says she used her fingers. However, she struggles to explain how she used her fingers. It is often challenging for young children to explain how they found answers, which is one reason to engage them in math thinking conversations. Over time, they will find it easier to explain their thinking.
Chandra: Equal Sign
Chandra: 3 = 1 + 2 Is Wrong
Angelo: 12 – 8 Bug
Lulu: 8 + 3 Bug
Lulu is shown the problem 8 + 3 = 83. Her first reaction is shock. When asked why a child might write that, she says the child might think that 8 + 3 means putting together 8 and 3. When asked if it’s equal to 83, she says no because “that would be way more.” Lulu used her knowledge of magnitude to explain that 83 is not a reasonable sum.
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